Adam Żukiewicz
Jawor, Poland
Winner, Piano Competition 2012
Adam Żukiewicz
- Winner, Piano Competition 2012

Adam Piotr Żukiewicz is a pianist of great integrity. He has been praised for his “impressive technical proficiency and delicate refinement” (Indiana Daily Student) as well as “an ability to immerse himself full force into what is essentially a showpiece and make a listener believe he believes in it.” (Herald Times)
Mr. Żukiewicz has performed across Europe, the United States and Canada. His performance during the 2007 Millennium Stage Conservatory Project at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC was broadcast online. He has also appeared many times on TV in Poland. In Canada, Mr. Żukiewicz has recently won the TD Canada Trust Music Competition, which took place in Elora, ON. He was also awarded the 2nd Prize at the 13th Pacific Piano Competition in Richmond, BC.
Mr. Żukiewicz holds a Masters of Music degree from Indiana University and is currently enrolled in the Doctorate of Musical Arts program at the University of Toronto Faculty of Music, studying with Marietta Orlov. His previous teachers include: James Parker, Arnaldo Cohen, Ian Fountain, Vanessa Latarche, Dario de Rosa, Alberto Miodini and Paweł Zawadzki.
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